Event Assignments allows you to create groups for your event that you can then assign your event purchasers to. These groups can be anything you want, ranging from tables to teams to any other breakdown you would like. To enable Event Assignment, select the Use Event Assignments toggle button to YES at the bottom of the Attendee Info Tab on the event page.

From the Events Module, go to Event Assignments page. On the Event Assignment dashboard, you first need to select an Event from the dropdown in the upper left corner with the title, "Select Event". Once the correct Event is selected the Groups that you created within that event's setup will be displayed on the Groups Grid. To assign a ticket level to a group first select the group, it will highlight in blue. Then go down to the Attendees Grid and check the box under the "Assign" column. You will then see the name of the group added to that row under the "Group Name" column.

You are also able to edit each ticket purchase on the Assignment grid by clicking on the blue edit icon on the left of the grid. Clicking this icon will launch a dialog box that allows you to edit the following:

  1. Event Group - Change which group they are assigned to.
  2. Actual Attendee - Change the name on the ticket to the person actually using it.
  3. Notes - Add notes about the person or the purchase.
  4. Special Needs/Skills - List any special requests like dietary restrictions.
  5. Group Leader - Indicate whether they are the leader of this group or head of the table.