Yes, instead of having a single set price for a membership level, you can have the price to be calculated by a pre-set multiplier amount and an quantity which is entered by the member. Inside the setup of your membership page, navigate to the Membership Setup tab where you can create and edit your membership levels. While editing a level, turn on the “Formula Based Price?” toggle setting. The following fields will then appear for you to input additional details. 

Base Price – Enter the base price for the membership level.

Additional Unit Price – Enter the price that will be added for each unit. The member will be asked to enter the total number of units to calculate their price.

Minimum Multiplier Price – Enter the minimum price for the membership. This should be equal to or greater than the base price.

Maximum Multiplier Price – Enter the maximum price for the membership. 

Formula Price Title – Customizable title for the formula price.

Formula Price Description  Enter a description for the units and how the formula price is calculated. You can include instructions for how the information should be filled out.


Once you have completed those fields you will not need to enter a price into the level’s setup. Fill out any other fields that are necessary and click Update to finalize the Level.

On your Membership page, any Formula Based Membership Levels will not display a price but will instead display a message of “Please click here to enter/edit the {Formula Price Title} to calculate your price.” When the member clicks “here” a popup window will launch on screen displaying your Formula Price description and a numeric field for the member to enter their quantity. After clicking Apply, the price for the membership level will be calculated and displayed on the page. The member then has the option to edit their quantity to recalculate the price or continue finalizing the transaction.