Within a Household record there are several tabs of information that are available to you. Each of these tabs will be a collection of data from each of the Household members. Below are descriptions of each of those tabs:

Profile – This tab will show editable fields for the Household allowing you to track names, salutations, contact information, comments, and the members of the household.

Transactions  – This tab will display all the Transactions, Event, Membership, Auction, and Peer-to-Peer transactions across each of the Household Member’s Constituent records.

Pledges – This tab will display all the Pledges and Pledge Payment transactions across each of the Household Member’s Constituent records.

Interactions – This tab will display all the Interaction records across each of the Household Member’s Constituent records.

Documents – This tab will display all the Documents that have been uploaded into each of the Household Member’s Constituent records.

Relationships – This tab will display all the current members of the Household. Here you can add and edit Household Relationships.

Events – This tab will display all the Event transactions across each of the Household Member’s Constituent records.

Auctions – This tab will display all the Auction transactions across each of the Household Member’s Constituent records.

Time Tracking – This tab will display all the Time Tracking records across each of the Household Member’s Constituent records.