To setup Credit Card Reminders mouse over your Organization’s name in the upper right corner of the software then Account and click Exp. Card Reminders. If this is the first time navigating to this page you will see a blank grid with a “+New” button to the left above the grid. Clicking the “+New” button will launch the setup of a reminder.

The setup is broken out into the following steps:

1. The process is similar to other page builders. There are four steps to complete, identified by the tabs at the top of the page. The first step is Card Expiration Reminder Info, here you will insert the following:


Name – Insert the name that will be displayed on the Auto Reminder grid for the title of this campaign.

Email Display Name – Insert the name will that appear as the sender of the Auto Reminder Email when it is sent out.

From Address – Insert the email address that will appear as the sender of the Auto Reminder Email when it is sent out.

Subject Line – Insert the text that will be the subject line of that email.

The next step is Settings, here you will be able to select who the reminder should be sent to and when it should be sent. Here are the following options.

2. The next step is Setting:


Send Reminder to Card Holder – When set to Yes, the reminder will be sent to the default email address connected to the Card Holder’s Constituent record.

Send Internal Notification – When set to Yes, the reminder will be sent to up to 5 email address that you designate.

Internal Recipients – Enter up to 5 emails addresses to receive this reminders. Please put a semi-colon between each address with no spaces.


Sent – Enter the number of days (before/after) the reminder should be sent out.

Before/After Expiration Date – Select whether the reminder should be sent out before the card’s expiration date or after the card’s expiration Date.

Enabled – When set to Yes, the reminders will start to be sent based on your settings and completion of the setup.


3. After the Settings tab, the next step is the Attach Template tab. Here you will be able to create or select the email template that will be used as the reminder. If you wish to create a new template click, + New Template” and select With template builder. If the email template already exists, find it on the grid and mouse over the image to click Use.


4. The final step is the Review tab. This will allow you to review the previous settings you selected. You can also choose to send out email tests of the reminder from here. At the bottom of the page, click the checkbox next to Send Test Email. You are then able to enter up to 10 email addresses per campaign to test your reminder. Note that adding test recipients will create new constituents in your database. As long as you have identified your reminder as Enabled, there are additional actions on this step to ensure your reminder is active and sent out. It is only here to display information and allow you to test your campaign.


After completing the setup you can return to the Reminder grid, here you will see the details of each of the reminders including their current status. If you ever wish to stop a reminder from being sent out you can edit it’s setup, by selecting the desired reminder on the grid and clicking the “View/Edit” button. Once you are back in the setup go to the “Settings” tab where you can turn off the “Enabled” setting and then save the page.


You can also delete any reminder by clicking the Trashcan Icon for that row on the main grid.