You can change your password by following these steps:

  1. Mouse over your initials in the upper right-hand corner and click User Settings.
  2. Click the "Change Password" button.

3.  From there three white text boxes will expand labeled “Current Password”, “New Password”, and “Confirm New Password”.

4.  In the first text box labeled “Current Password”, enter the password you currently use to login to AssociationSphere.

5.  Below the “Current Password” text box you will see the “New Password” text box. In the“New Password” text box, enter the new password you would like to use when signing in to AssociationSphere. Be sure to remember this password.

6.  Below where you entered your new password, there is a text box that is labeled “Confirm New Password”. In that text box enter the new password you chose once again.

7.  Now save your changes by clicking on the green “Save” button located under where you confirmed your new password. This will save the changes you just made, and you can now login to AssociationSphere with your new password.