There are multiple ways to create a new transaction.
Transactions can be added from any of the main grids in the CRM Module including Constituents, Interactions, Documents, or Relationships, as well as from the Transactions Grid in the Transactions and Invoices Module, and from the constituent’s record. To add a gift from the grids, hover over +New and click on Transaction to open the transaction entry page.
From the constituent’s record, go to the Transactions Tab and click on the green Add button to either open a transaction entry page by clicking on Transaction or add a donation by Donation via Page if using a credit card to make a donation. Donation via Page will open a menu to select the appropriate donation page.
Enter the appropriate information in each of the fields and select one of the green SAVE buttons to complete the entry. Follow along with one of our videos for more about fundraising and entering gifts. All videos use the password AS2021.