Add accounts from your Chart of Accounts that is in Quickbooks.  
Typically, you only need your cash accounts, undeposited funds (if you use it) and the income accounts.  You may want to include the receivable account if you book pledges in Quickbooks.

  1. Go to Account and then choose Accounting > Chart of Accounts.
  2. Click on New.
  3. Add the Account Name from Quickbooks.
    • If you use sub accounts, then separate the account names with a colon.  For example, Donation Income: Annual Campaign.
  4. Select the Account Type.
  5. Enter the Account Number.
  6. If you use Undeposited Funds, then be sure to set it to Yes for this account.
  7. You can add Descriptions, but they are not necessary.
  8. Click on Update.
  9. You can edit or delete accounts by clicking on the icons for that row on the grid.

Add your Items from Quickbooks.

  1. Go to Account and then choose Accounting > Quickbooks Lists.
  2. Click on New.
  3. Add the Item Name from Quickbooks.
  4. Add the Item Type (usually Service Item).
  5. Select the Income account that is used with this item.
  6. You can add Descriptions, but they are not necessary.
  7. Click on Update.
  8. You can edit or delete items by clicking on the icons for that row on the grid.

Add your Classes from Quickbooks.

  1. Go to Account and then choose Accounting > Quickbooks Lists.
    • The Classes are in a dropdown box beneath the Item List.
  2. Click on the dropdown and select New/Edit.
  3. Type in the Class and click on the save icon.
  4. You can edit or delete classes by clicking on the icons for that row.

Map the transactions in AssociationSphere to the transactions that should be created in Quickbooks.
The goal in this step is to designate the items, accounts and classes in Quickbooks based on the For, Fund & Event fields in AssociationSphere.  You can also map ticket levels, add-ons or fees for events and membership levels and add-ons for membership forms.

As an example, If the transaction in AssociationSphere has FUND = general and EVENT = golf tournament, then in QB I want to use Item = Golf Tournament, which debits Undeposited Funds and credits General Income and the class should be Golf Tournament.

Most often, the Fund field in AssociationSphere is used to designate the item and/or income account that will be used in Quickbooks.

  1. Go to Account and then choose Accounting > General Ledger Mapping.
  2. Most customers will only use the top grid for Gifts and the second grid for Events.  If you have general memberships, you will need to use the third grid.  The School Year Enrollments and Program Enrollments are only for customers that use the Youth Membership portion of AssociationSphere.
  3. Under Transactions, click on New.
  4. Select Transaction Type.  It is usually General, but you will also need to do mappings if you have other types of gifts, including pledges & pledge payments.
  5. Select a combination of the For, Fund & Event fields in AssociationSphere.
  6. For this combination, select what Item in Quickbooks should be used.
  7. The Credit account dropdown will automatically populate based on the Item selected.
  8. Select what account to Debit – if you use Undeposited Funds, choose this here.
  9. If you want to apply a Class, select that from the dropdown.
  10. This mapping will need to be completed for every combination of For, Fund & Event fields that require different debits & credits in Quickbooks.
  11. If you always use the same item, account and/or class in Quickbooks, then you can do a more general mapping, such as all General gifts that use Fund = General Fund in AssociationSphere should use this Item.  
  12. Click on Update.
  13. You can edit or delete mappings by clicking on the icons for that row on the grid.
  14. Also make sure to setup mapping for Pledges and Pledge Payment as these records are created from Online Recurring Donations.
  15. You will use the same steps for events & memberships, but will also be able to complete the mapping based on event ticket levels, add-ons, fees and membership levels and add-ons.

To map by event ticket level, add-on or fee:

  1. Go to Account and then choose Accounting > General Ledger Mapping.
  2. Under Events, click on New.
  3. Select the Event from the Event dropdown.
  4. Select the Event Level, Add-On or Fee from the appropriate dropdown.  Only pick one of these dropdowns.
  5. Select what Item in Quickbooks should be used.
  6. The Credit account dropdown will automatically populate based on the Item selected.
  7. Select what account to Debit - if you use Undeposited Funds, choose this here.
  8. If you want to apply a Class, select that from the dropdown.
  9. This mapping will need to be completed for every ticket level, add-on or fee.
  10. If you always use the same item, account and/or class in Quickbooks, then you can do a more general mapping and only select the Event Name without selecting a ticket level, add-on or fee.
  11. Click on Update.
  12. You can edit or delete mappings by clicking on the icons for that row on the grid.

To map by membership level or add-on:

  1. Go to Account and then choose Accounting > General Ledger Mapping.
  2. Under Memberships, click on New.
  3. Select the Membership from the Membership dropdown.
  4. Select the Membership Level, Add-On or Fee from the appropriate dropdown.  Only pick one of these dropdowns.
  5. Select what Item in Quickbooks should be used.
  6. The Credit account dropdown will automatically populate based on the Item selected.
  7. Select what account to Debit - if you use Undeposited Funds, choose this here.
  8. If you want to apply a Class, select that from the dropdown.
  9. This mapping will need to be completed for every ticket level, add-on or fee.
  10. If you always use the same item, account and/or class in Quickbooks, then you can do a more general mapping and only select the Membership Name without selecting a level or add-on.
  11. Click on Update.
  12. You can edit or delete mappings by clicking on the icons for that row on the grid.