The Membership Settings tab is the second set in your page setup and allows you to set up the notifications, financial information, and content and display options. The settings also include tool tips that pop up when you hoover the setting. Below are descriptions of those settings. 

 Internal Notifications


Notify when membership is submitted - When set to YES, an email will be sent to the recipient(s) when a membership transaction has been made.

Notification Emails - Enter up to 5 email addresses, separated by semicolons.

Send text when membership is submitted
 - When set to YES, a text will be sent to the recipient(s) when a membership transaction has been made.  “Phone” and “Add a Phone” fields will display.  Enter a mobile number then click Add. Note that Text Marketing must be activated for this feature to work.


Phones - Show previously added phone numbers to be notified.

Add a Phone - This field will allow you to enter a mobile number.


Financial Information 


Allow Recurring Payments - When set to YES, the purchaser will be able to make scheduled partial payments on their membership.

Make Recurring Payments Default - When set to YES, making recurring payments will be the pre-selected option on the member page.

Hide One-Time Payments - When set to YES, making recurring payments will be the only option on the member page.

Available Payment Options - These are the frequency options for recurring partial payment on a membership purchase.

Monthly - The total membership price will be divided by the number of months from now to their expiration date. The expiration date is established in the membership level.

Quarterly - The total membership price will be divided by the number of quarters from now to their expiration date

Annually - The total membership prices will be paid all at once, but this option allows for Auto Renew to be used on yearly payments. Annually will only be visible on the membership page as an option when Enable auto-renewal is set to YES


Enable auto-renewal – When set to YES, a checkbox will be available to the membership to mark if they wish to set their membership to auto-renew or not. That checkbox will be unchecked with only this setting turned on. Auto Renewal can be used for both rolling anniversary date memberships and hard dated expirations. Specifically for a hard date expiration membership level when setting it up you will need to select a different membership level  to be used for when the renewal is processed.

 If you enable auto-renewal, payments must be made with a credit card and cannot be set to pay-later. Recurring payments can also be set up for auto-renewal.  It is recommended that you make it clear in the description area and thank you message that the membership will be automatically renewed.  

Auto-Renewal Comment – Enter the message that should appear next to the checkbox the member can use to check if they wish their membership to auto-renew or not.

Default Auto-Renewal to Yes – When set to YES, the auto-renew box will be automatically checked on the membership form. However the member will still have the option to uncheck that box if they don’t want their membership to auto-renew.

Require Auto-Renewal – When set to YES, all memberships processed through this form will be set to auto-renew. The member will see the message about the auto-renewal and see the box checked without the ability to uncheck it.

Hide Required Auto-Renewal – When set to YES, all memberships processed through this will be set to auto-renew. The auto-renew message and checkbox however will be hidden from the online form.


Allow for Gift Memberships - When set to YES, a membership can be purchased by one constituent on behalf of another.

Allow to pay processing fee - When set to YES, the purchaser can select to pay the processing fee in the Billing Information section.

Processing Fee Comment - When allow to pay processing fee is set to YES, the Processing Fee Comment field will display with a dropdown of predefined comments. This comment will display on the member page along with the processing fee amount.

Default to Pay Processing Fee - When set to YES, the processing fee option will be pre-selected in the Billing Information section.

Require to Pay Processing Fee - When set to YES, the purchaser will be required to pay the processing fee.

Accept General Donations - When set to YES, an additional donation field will display on the membership page. This option is only visible if “Allow Recurring Payments” is set to NO.

Message to display for general donation - This message can be customized and will display above the additional donation field.

Include One Time Fee  - When set to YES, you will be able to insert a pre-set fee to be added to the purchase total.

One Time Fee Name - This label will display next to the one-time fee amount.

One Time Fee Amount - This amount will be added to the purchase total as an additional fee.

One Time Fee Override Code - The value entered into this field can be used during a purchase to remove the one-time fee.

Exclude From Auto-Renewal - When set to YES, the one-time fee will not be added to a transaction during its auto renewal.

Attach Membership Application - When set to YES, a survey/form can be connected to the membership page for a member to submit after completing the membership page transaction.

Application - Select which Survey/Form you wish to connect to this membership page.

Capture Credit Card for Pay Later - When set to YES, a credit card will be required for submission, but will not be charged. The transaction will be recorded with an amount due equivalent to the membership level selected.

Allow Purchaser To Pay Later - When set to YES, the purchaser will have the option to pay later. Note that recurring payments, monthly memberships, and auto-renewals cannot be set to pay later. 

Pay Later Label Text - This label can be customized and will display next to the Pay Later checkbox. For example, it can be edited to say “I will mail in a check” or "Please send an invoice" making it clearer for the member to understand what the option indicates.

Automatically Create Invoice If Pay Later - When set to YES, an invoice will be generated for the constituent who purchases the membership. This toggle only creates the invoice, it does not send it. If you would like it to be sent automatically, too, be sure to activate the toggle below Send Invoice via Email.

Allow Partial Payments - When set to YES, the purchaser can make partial payments on their invoice. There is currently no way to establish the amounts of partial payments.

Invoice Payment Page – Select the invoice payment page to be used to generate the invoice.

Invoice Due Date – Enter the number of days the invoice is due. This is calculated from the date of the membership transaction.


Send Invoice via Email – When set to YES, the invoice will be automatically mailed as a separate email as soon as the membership transaction is submitted. 

Mail Merge Template – Select the cover letter (Invoice Mail Merge Template) you would like to send along with the invoice.

Save to Document – When set to YES, this will save a copy of the invoice cover letter and invoice in the constituent’s record.

Document Name – Enter the name you would like to give the document.

Document Category – Select the category to assign the document to.

Invoice Email Body – Customize the email message sent with the invoice. You can include mail merge fields and a link to the document. If the link in not showing, click on the Gear icon to label and reinsert it.

Auto Acknowledge - When set to YES, any transactions coming in from the page will be marked as acknowledged.

Acknowledge How - Select which Acknowledge How values should be assigned to the gift record created by the transaction, typically Thank You Email is selected.


Enable Captcha - When set to YES, the user will have to check the box “I'm not a robot” before submitting the transaction.

Include QR Badge(s) in Thank You Message - When set to YES, membership badges including QR codes will be attached to the Thank You messages automatically sent out after a membership transaction is submitted.

Label Type - Select which Avery Label template should be used for the Member Badges attached to the Thank You messages automatically sent out after a membership transaction is submitted. 


Do not allow membership purchase on behalf of a company/organization - When set to YES, “This event purchase is being made on behalf of a company/organization.” will not display on the event page. This is used if only individual constituents can “own” a membership, not companies.

Default purchases to on behalf of a company/organization - When set to YES, “This event purchase is being made on behalf of a company/organization.” will be checked on the event page meaning the company is the “owner” of the membership. It can be unchecked as needed by an individual member. Note that if this is a new membership, two constituent records will be created, one for the company and one for the primary contact at that company.

Collect Member's Company Name – When set to YES, the member can provide the name of the company they work for without having the purchase entered on behalf of that company. The purchase is recorded for the individual member, not the company. A constituent record will be created for the company.


Default Gift For - This value is the default For designation for all transactions coming in from the page.

Default Fund - This value is the default Fund designation for all transactions coming in from the page.

Default Event - This value is the default Event designation for all transactions coming in from the page.

Default Appeal - This value is the default Appeal designation for all transactions coming in from the page.


Note that For-Fund-Event-Appeal designations can also be customized for each individual membership level.


General Content & Display Options  


Page Title Alignment - This value determines where the membership name will display on the event page (Options are Left, Center and Right)

Display Tickets and Add-ons As - Show the levels and add-ons available in a tile view (square blocks on the page) or list view, which is helpful if you have a lot of levels to show.

Display Share on Social Media buttons - When set to YES, Twitter, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Pinterest share buttons will display below the membership name. These are links to the member’s social media accounts, not your organization’s accounts.

Hide from portal - When set to YES, the membership page cannot be launched from inside the portal.

Require Portal Login - When set to YES, the member will need to create a portal account or log in to their portal account before they can access the page.

Display Message - When set to YES, this message will display below the membership name or gallery.

Message Title - The message title will display below the membership page name and gallery.

Display Gallery - When set to YES, a picture(s) and/or YouTube video will display below the membership page name.

Gallery Type - This value determines how the images and/or video will display (Options are Single, Double, Two by Two, and Three by Two)

YouTube Video URL - Enter the address of where a specific video is located on the YouTube website.

Video Caption - This value will display above the YouTube Video URL.

Upload Your Pictures… - This button will allow you to upload images from your computer. Note that images cannot be edited once uploaded, so if you would like your images to be all the same ratio or orientation, be sure to edit them prior to upload. It is recommended that image files be less than 1 MB so that the page loads a quickly as possible.

Display Memo Field - When set to YES, a memo field will display below the registration contact information section.

Memo Field Name - This customizable label will display above the memo field.

Show email subscription lists - When set to YES, “Please opt-in to the types of email communication that you would like to receive from us” will display at the bottom of the membership page.

Email Subscription Label - This customizable label will display next to the email subscription category lists. These lists are the Email List Categories that are created in the Email Marketing>Contacts page.

Hide Option to Notify Via Text - When set to YES, a member will not be able to enter their phone number to get a text notification about their membership page submission.

Allow member to subscribe for text messages - When set to YES, the option for a member to subscribe to Text Messaging will be visible on the membership page.

Categories - When Allow purchaser to subscribe for text messages is set to YES, a text categories field will display. Enter the text categories that you wish to display when they select Subscribe me to text messages on the membership page.


Advanced Content & Display Options          


Number of days before the expiration date you want to activate renew link - Select how many days before the expiration date the member will see a Renew link next to their membership transaction within their portal account. If this is left blank, no renewal link will be activated next to the membership transaction on the portal.

Membership Page Subtitle - This customizable label will display below the page title.

Membership Level Title - This customizable label will display just above the active membership levels.

Primary Member Title - This customizable label will display just above where member information is collected for Primary members on the membership level and on the registration page.

Secondary Member Title - This customizable label will display just above where member information is collected for Secondary members on the membership level and on the registration page.

Add-Ons Title - This customizable label will display under the membership levels and above where the Add-Ons are displayed.

Amount to Pay Title – This customizable label will display to the left of the total transaction amount.

Fee to Pay Title - This customizable label will display next to the one time above the details of the One Time Fee

Registration Information Title - This customizable label will display above the billing/payment information at the bottom of the membership page. This is the membership “owner” information.

Customize Member Data Fields - When set to YES, you will be able to select which data fields appear for your members to complete for the primary and secondary members.

Primary Members - Checkmark which data fields can be collected for a primary member.

Secondary Members - Checkmark which data fields can be collected for a secondary member.

Select the relationship values that you would like to appear on your membership page- If you would like your members to identify the relationship between primary and secondary members, you can select the options available for them to select. Note that these are the relationships of the secondary member to the primary member. (For example, if you label you primary members “Adults” and the secondary members “Children” the options available should be things like “child, dependent, son, daughter, relative, etc”.)

Allow members to upload profile picture - When set to YES, a member will be able to upload an image that will be their profile picture displayed on their profile page in their constituent record.

Picture Specifications - The values will display next to where a member can upload their profile image.

Allow Member to Upload Document - When set to YES, a member will be able to upload documents during their transaction. You can collect documents like resumes, CVs, or drivers licenses. 

Member Document Upload Label - This customizable label will display next to where a member can upload documents.

Specify Document Category (Optional) - When the document is uploaded, it can be assigned a category. You may select that category in this dropdown.

GDPR Consent Required? - When set to YES, you will be required to enter a GDPR Compliance Message which the purchaser will need to acknowledge. (GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation and is a  European Union information privacy regulation. It is only required if you communicate with constituents in those countries.)

GDPR Compliance Message – Enter the GDPR compliance message you wish to display. 


Inactive - When set to YES, the membership page is no longer active.

    Message to display when form is Inactive - Customizable message you can display when someone attempts to view the page. If you have created a new membership page, you could add the link to the new page here or direct them to call or email your office.

Additional Information          


Additional Information Title - This customizable label will show below the registration (billing/payment) information and allows you to collect additional information about the member. It only collects information for the membership owner, not additional members.

Field Name - This column shows the name of the field that can be displayed on the membership page.

Show On Form - In this column you can checkmark which fields you wish to display on the membership page.

Required - In this column you can checkmark which fields are required for completion before the membership page can be submitted.

Sort Order – Hovering over the three lines will allow you to drag and drop the fields to create the order they will appear in on the membership page.

Click the green Save & Next button to proceed to the next step.