To access the Membership Only Document library you can navigate to Workspace>Membership>Membership Only Documents. Once on that page you can click +New>Document to upload a new Document. While uploading a new document you will be able to populate the following fields:


Document Name – Enter what you would like to show as the display name for this document.

Tags – Enter in values that represent the content of the document to make it easier to search for similar documents.

Category – Assign a custom field to represent the document.

Comments – Enter any details you wish to share with your Members about this document.

Select File – Click to select the document you wish to upload.

Members Levels – Select which Membership Level or Levels should be given access to this document. The Membership Levels will be divided across the different Membership Forms.


Once uploaded the document will appear on the grid and display the values you assigned to it. If you wish to change or update those values you can click the “Edit” text link that appears on that document's row. You will not be able to edit the actual content of the document through here. Also on the grid you will find a Trashcan icon if you do wish to remove a document you can click this icon. The document can also be downloaded onto your device by clicking the file name which appears in blue.


If you wish to filter the documents based on which Membership Level they are assigned to you can do so with the Left hand side bar which offers a Membership Levels filter. Select the desired Membership Level or Levels and the documents assigned will display on the grid.

The documents uploaded into this Member Only library can be accessed by your Constituent Members within their Portal Accounts. Only Constituent’s with Active Memberships will be able to see these documents. Specifically which documents they are able to see and download will be based on your selected access settings on each document and which Membership Level or Levels the Constituent is enrolled in.