A partial payment for an invoice can be accepted if it was originally set up for partial payments or if multiple line items are on the invoice. To make a partial payment, create a new transaction or, from the constituent's Invoices Tab, click on Add, then Invoice Payment.
Select the appropriate invoice from the Outstanding Invoices pull down list.
If there are multiple rows, one or more rows can be checked to process just the payment for those rows that are checked Mark as Paid.
If an invoice was originally set up to allow partial payments, a new column will appear called "Amount To Pay." You will still need to check the Mark as Paid box for that row, then enter the amount of the payment.
When finished entering all of the information, click Save to complete the transaction or Save and New to create a new transaction. The partial payments will show in the main Invoices grid or the constituent's Invoices Tab with orange text and the Status "Partially Paid."