Below is a vertical representation of the data fields included in the Transactions Grid. The import template will have those fields that can be imported listed horizontally. The Field Title is name listed at the top of the column. The Profile Type indicates which type of constituent records would have data in that field. The Field Type indicates they type of data contained in the field. Some of the data is auto-populated from data in the Constituent Grid and is identified with a Yes in the Data From Constituent Grid column below. Those that are auto-populated or copied from the constituent grid are not required for the conversion template. The Notes column provides any description or additional information about the field. Custom fields from the constituent grid are not shown on the Transactions Grid and therefore are not included here.
Field Title | Profile Type | Field Type | Data From Constituent Grid | Notes |
Mail Merge | Company and Individual | Action Field | No | Used to generate a single Mail Merge Letter |
Constituent ID | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Used to link the gift record to the constituent record |
Profile Type | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
First Name | Individual Only | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Last Name/Constituent | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Company and Individual | Email Address | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid | |
Email Type | Company and Individual | Picklist | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Company | Individual Only | Text | Yes | Name of the company the constituent works for. Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Title | Individual Only | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Default Phone | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Mobile Phone | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Home Phone | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Work Phone | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Address 1 | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Address 2 | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
City | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
State | Company and Individual | Picklist | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Zip | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
County | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Country | Company and Individual | Picklist | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Address Type | Company and Individual | Picklist | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Mailing Status | Company and Individual | Picklist | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Primary 1 Contact First Name | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Primary 1 Contact Last Name | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Primary 1 Contact Email | Company Only | Email Address | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Primary 1 Contact Phone | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Primary 1 Contact Title | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Primary Contact Address1 | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Primary Contact Address2 | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Primary Contact City | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Primary Contact State | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Primary Contact Zip | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Invoice Contact First Name | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Invoice Contact Last Name | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Invoice Contact Email | Company Only | Email Address | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Invoice Contact Address1 | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Invoice Contact Address2 | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Invoice Contact City | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Invoice Contact State | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Invoice Contact Zip | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Invoice Contact Default Phone | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Invoice Contact Title | Company Only | Text | N/A | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Source | Company and Individual | Picklist | Yes | Identifies the source of the gift |
Source Name | Company and Individual | Constituent Lookup | Yes | Name of the constituent who referred this constituent |
Source Constituent ID | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field |
Nickname | Individual Only | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Middle Name | Individual Only | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Maiden Name | Individual Only | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Prefix | Individual Only | Picklist | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Suffix | Individual Only | Picklist | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Full Name | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Recognition Name | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Informal Salutation | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Formal Salutation | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Envelope Salutation | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Salutation Default | Company and Individual | Picklist | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Family | Company and Individual | Picklist | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Primary Relationship | Company and Individual | Picklist | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Gives Anonymously | Company and Individual | True/False | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
How did you hear about us? | Individual Only | Picklist | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Head Of Household | Individual Only | True/False | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Household | Individual Only | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Sites/Chapters | Company and Individual | Multi-Select | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Text Optout Date | Company and Individual | Date | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Text Msg Optout | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Text Optout Message | Company and Individual | True/False | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Company Industry | Company Only | Picklist | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Company Description | Company Only | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Company Tags | Company Only | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Women Owned? | Company Only | True/False | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Minority Owned? | Company Only | True/False | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Full Time Employee Count | Company Only | Picklist | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Part Time Employee Count | Company Only | Picklist | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Company Type | Company Only | Picklist | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Employer Identification Number (EIN) | Company Only | Text | Yes | Auto Populated Field from the constituent grid |
Date Created | Company and Individual | Date | Yes | Auto Calculated Field |
Created By | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Calculated Field - Name of User |
Date Modified | Company and Individual | Date | Yes | Auto Calculated Field |
Modified By | Company and Individual | Text | Yes | Auto Calculated Field - Name of User |
Gift Type | Company and Individual | Dropdown | No | Auto Populated Field based on type of transaction |
Date Of Gift | Company and Individual | Date | No | Auto Populated from page or selected when gift is entered |
Amount | Company and Individual | Number | No | |
Payment Type | Company and Individual | Text | No | Customizable Values |
Is Given Anonymously | Company and Individual | Yes/No | No | |
Receipt Number | Company and Individual | Number | No | |
Check Number | Company and Individual | Number | No | |
Check Date | Company and Individual | Date | No | |
Postmark Date | Company and Individual | Date | No | |
Date Of Deposit | Company and Individual | Date | No | |
Tax Deductible Amount | Company and Individual | Number | No | |
Split Gift | Company and Individual | Yes/No | No | Identifies if transaction was part of a split gift |
Is Acknowledged | Company and Individual | Yes/No | No | |
Date Acknowledged | Company and Individual | Date | No | |
Acknowledged How | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Item Name | Company and Individual | Text | No | In-Kind item description |
Date Of Sale | Company and Individual | Date | No | |
Sale Value | Company and Individual | Number | No | |
Is Potential Auction Item | Company and Individual | Yes / No | No | |
Status | Company and Individual | Text | No | Status of the auction item - customizable value |
Weight LBS | Company and Individual | Number | No | Weight of in-kind donation |
Final Disposition | Company and Individual | Text | No | Disposition of in-kind item |
Current Status | Company and Individual | Text | No | status of in-kind item |
Associated Expenses | Company and Individual | Number | No | Expenses associated with disposition of in-kind item |
Date Paid | Company and Individual | Date | No | Date for Pledge Payment |
Amount Paid | Company and Individual | Number | No | Amount for Pledge Payment |
Pledge Due Year | Company and Individual | Text | No | Auto Populated Field |
Last Pledge Payment Date | Company and Individual | Date | No | Auto Populated Field |
Last Pledge Payment Year | Company and Individual | Text | No | Auto Populated Field |
Company Name | Company and Individual | Text | No | Stock Company Name |
Ticker Symbol | Company and Individual | Text | No | Stock Ticker Symbol |
Number Of Shares | Company and Individual | Number | No | Number of shares of stock |
Stock Cert Number | Company and Individual | Text | No | Stock Certification Number |
Broker Custodian | Company and Individual | Text | No | Broker for stock |
C P S On Gift Date | Company and Individual | Amount | No | Cost Per Share on donation date |
For | Company and Individual | Text | No | Description of the program or project |
Fund | Company and Individual | Text | No | Description of the account or financial designation |
Event | Company and Individual | Text | No | Description of the event associated with transaction |
Appeal | Company and Individual | Text | No | Description of appeal to solicit transaction |
External For | Company and Individual | Text | No | Auto Populated Field |
External Fund | Company and Individual | Text | No | Auto Populated Field |
External Event | Company and Individual | Text | No | Auto Populated Field |
External Appeal | Company and Individual | Text | No | Auto Populated Field |
Location | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Tribute Type | Company and Individual | Yes/No | No | |
Tribute Type | Company and Individual | Text | No | Customizable Values |
In Tribute Of Name | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Tribute Notes | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Tribute Notification Name | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Tribute Notification Informal Salutation | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Tribute Notification Email | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Tribute Notification Address 1 | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Tribute Notification Address 2 | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Tribute Notification City | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Tribute Notification State | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Tribute Notification Zip | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Tribute Notification Country | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Tribute Acknowledged | Company and Individual | Yes/No | No | |
Tribute Acknowledged How? | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Tribute Acknowledged Date | Company and Individual | Date | No | |
Matching Gift | Company and Individual | Yes/No | No | |
Matching Constituent Constituent ID | Company and Individual | Number | No | |
Matching Constituent | Company and Individual | Constituent Name | No | |
Matching Percentage | Company and Individual | Number | No | |
Matching Memo | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Description | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Memo | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Month | Company and Individual | Text | No | Auto Populated Field |
Year | Company and Individual | Text | No | Auto Populated Field |
Fiscal Year | Company and Individual | Text | No | Auto Populated Field |
Grant | Company and Individual | Yes/No | No | |
Grant Number | Company and Individual | Number | No | |
Sponsorship Gift | Company and Individual | Yes/No | No | |
Sponsorship Level | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Sponsorship Expiration Date | Company and Individual | Date | No | |
Online | Company and Individual | Yes/No | No | |
Transaction ID | Company and Individual | Number | No | Auto Populated Field |
Deposit Batch ID | Company and Individual | Number | No | Auto Populated Field |
First Gift Date | Company and Individual | Date | Yes | Auto Populated Field |
Last Gift Date | Company and Individual | Date | Yes | Auto Populated Field |
Last Gift Amount | Company and Individual | Number | Yes | Auto Populated Field |
Gift ID | Company and Individual | Number | Yes | Auto Populated Field |
Membership Amount | Company and Individual | Number | Yes | Auto Populated Field |
Source Code | Company and Individual | Text | No | |
Initiate Refund | Company and Individual | Action Field | No | To initiate a full or partial credit card refund |