You must have either the Essential or Essential Plus support package to access the live weekly webinars. To determine your level of support, click on the menu link under your organization's name in the top right corner of the screen. If you have Essential or Essential Plus, please reach out to [email protected] to receive the link. If you have Basic and would like to upgrade, please reach out to [email protected] for more information.
Live sessions include:
Mondays - Session 1: CRM Module & Communications Features (60 minutes) - covers setting up views, managing constituents, sending mail merge letters, emails and texts.
Tuesdays - Session 2: Membership Module (60 minutes) - covers creating new membership pages, the renewal process, using the member portal, and communicating with members.
Wednesdays - Session 3: Events and Surveys/Forms Modules (60 minutes) - covers creating and managing events, updating attendee information, checking in guests, and creating surveys, applications and forms.
Thursdays - Session 4: Transactions and Invoicing Module (60 minutes) - covers creating financial reports, reviewing billing statements, and creating and managing invoices.
To Register
1. With your link you will arrive at the AssociationSphere Training Hub.
2. Scroll to the list of events available. The live, weekly webinars are at the top of the list under "Featured Events." You can click on a class to see all the dates available. Please be sure to register for any live session at least one hour before the start of the session. If there are no students registered within one hour of the start time, the class will be cancelled. There may be other webinars and pre-recorded versions of the live webinars available below the Featured Events under "Events" and you are welcome to register for any of these as well. Check the box next to Past Events to reveal pre-recorded sessions.
3. Click on the session you’d like to register for to open the registration page. Click on the either “register with zoom account” or “register with email” as desired, to see the days and times the sessions are available.
4. If you use an email address, you will receive a confirmation code via that email address. Enter the code and click “Verify Email” to confirm your email and then you will see the list of upcoming sessions available.
5. Select the button next to the desired session and click “Continue.”

6. Next you’ll be asked to provide your name, job title, and the organization’s name. If you are a consultant or volunteer, be sure to include the name of the organization that is using AssociationSphere. This will also include the date for the session you have registered for at the top of the page under Review Order.
7. Click “Continue” to finish registration. You will see a confirmation page and receive a confirmation email with a link to add the session to your calendar.
To Join a Session
1. Be sure to join the live webinar no later than 10 minutes after the start time. If no registrants have joined the webinar after ten minutes, the instructor will close the webinar assuming that registrants are a no show for this webinar.
2. Click the link from your confirmation email or calendar appointment.
3. From the Zoom Session, click the blue “Join” button to join the webinar.
4. If the webinar has not started yet, you will be waiting in the session lobby.
5. From here, if you would like to book another session for this course, click on “Register More.”
6. You can also download an outline with links to support articles and videos under "Reference Materials." The basic training sessions also include a copy of the AssociationSphere Module Guide which provides an overview of all the modules and their functions.
7. When the session is about to start, you will see a blue “Join” button. If the instructor has not started the session yet, the button will be grey until the session is open to join.
8. It may take a few moments to load the webinar, so please be patient. If you see a message asking if you would like to open zoom meetings, click on “Open Zoom Meetings” to launch the app. You can also check the box to tell the browser to always open the app.
9. Once you are admitted to the session, you will see the screen the instructor is sharing and at the bottom of the window, you will also see the toolbar.
10. Chat is disabled for attendees, but your instructor may post a message in there to the group. A red circle with a number will appear above the chat icon if there are messages.
11. You may submit questions during the webinar, but please note that the instructor will wait until the end of the session to address questions to be sure they can cover all the material.
12. Click on the Q&A icon to type in your question.
13. The instructor will address the questions and share the answers at the end of the event.
14. When the session is finished, you will receive an automatic thank you message that includes a link to a survey. Please take a few moments to complete the short, anonymous survey to help us improve our training sessions.