On several of the main grids when you launch the View Builder you will see a new section on the left hand side bar called, 

“Views Library”. Under this section you will find a variety of canned Views created by our expert team that can make it easier for your to create your own views. On the Constituent Grid, for example, you can create views to see data about your constituent's donations and volunteer hours. Under the View Library you can select your desired View and the builder will update with each of the pre-selected Columns, Filters and Sorts necessary for that specific report. 

From there you are welcome to visit each of the Builder Steps and customize each one for your needs, adding or removing any of the Columns, Filters and/or Sorts. Once this process is complete click on the dropdown arrow for the “Save” menu and select the “Save View As” option. 

You will then be able to input a name for this new View and click the Save button for it to be added under your “My Views” section making available for use on the that grid. This View will then operate just like any other View that you have created.