You can print or email an invoice using the Print/Email Mail Merge feature from the Invoices grid. A cover letter must first be created in Mail Merge Invoice Templates. You can learn more about creating invoice mail merge letter templates here.
To send a single letter, locate the Mail Merge column with the envelope icons. Click on the envelope icon on the row of the constituent you wish to send the letter to. Or, if you wish to send to several members, filter the list and use the Actions menu and select Print/Email Mail Merge. Both options will open the mail merge window to allow you to choose the letter and delivery methods.
In the new window, you will select which letter template to send and customize the options including:
Mail Merge Template – Select which template from your Mail Merge Invoice Template Library you wish to use for this letter.
Attach the following data to the end of the letter - You have the option of selecting:
None - which not add the invoice to the letter
Invoice Details - Amount Due - this will include a copy of the invoice and only show the amount due
Invoice Details - Amount Total - this will include a copy of the invoice and show the total original amount of the invoice, if you allow partial payments, use the Amount Due option instead.

Options - Lets you choose formatting options
Skip Page 1 - this will not print the cover letter, just the invoice
Hide Tax Deductible Amount - this will remove the column for tax deductible amount from the invoice
Include Disclaimer Text Footer - you can customize the message to appear at the bottom of your invoice in the text box. It defaults to "Thank you for your prompt payment."
Delivery Options – How would you like the mail merge letter to be delivered/generated?
Print to PDF – The letter will generate/download to your device as a PDF.
Print to Word – The letter will generate/download to your device as a Word document.
Print to Word (Advanced) – The letter will generate/download to your device as a Word document. (You can use this option if the template doesn’t look correctly formatted with the standard Print to Word option.)
Email Link to PDF File – Generates an email to send to the constituent (membership owner) containing a link that will allow the email recipient to download a PDF of the letter. Be sure that everyone in your filtered list has an email address when selecting this method of delivery.
Email to Primary Email – Send the email only to the constituent’s default email address.
Email to All Emails – Send the email to all the email addresses on file within that constituent’s record.
Archive Options – Options for saving a copy of the letter.
Save to Documents – Save an internal copy of the letter in the constituent's record in their Documents tab.
Post to Portal – Allow for that saved letter to be accessed by the constituent within their portal account (must have the Advanced Portal feature activated.)
Document Name – Enter the name that will be displayed as the name of the document.
Document Category – Select which category should be assigned to the saved document record.
If you choose to send the email version of the mail merge letter, below are descriptions of the additional fields you will need to complete.
Email From Display Name – Enter the name that will show as the sender of the email, by default this is the user's name.
Email From – Enter the email address that will show as the sender of the email, by default this is the user's email.
Subject Line – Enter the text you wish to display as the subject Line of the email.
Email Body – Enter the content you wish to display within the body of the email. Note you can also insert in mail merge fields so the email will contain specific information about the membership transaction and constituent. It is recommended that your message include the Invoice Page URL mail merge field which provides a direct link to the invoice to pay with a credit card.
Note: If you accidentally delete the link for the Mail Merge letter, click the Gear icon next to the Insert Mail Merge Field dropdown. This will allow you to re-insert that link.
The attachments are password protected and the constituent (recipient) will need to enter their email address to open and view the attachment. There will be a notice that pops up indicating this for the recipient. This is intended to provide an extra layer of security and privacy protection for the recipient.
When you are ready to send the message, click the green Send button.