In AssociationSphere terminology, a report is generally a view created on a grid. You can add queries, filters and sorts to a grid to produce the specific data you want to see. 

When creating a new view, begin with the end in mind. What data do you want to see? What needs to be included and excluded? On what grid can I find this information? For example, to create a report of recent memberships, you will go to the Membership grid and use the Quick Queries menu and select Date. Here you can enter the data range for membership transactions. You can continuing refining your view by adding other filters and sorts. You can save this view using the Save As feature on the View, or share it with other DonorView users using Share View. Views can also be exported to Excel using the Actions menu on top of the grid.

You can find many pre-made views in the View Builder library. You can find the View Library for a specific grid by clicking on the three dots next to any view, then clicking on Open Builder.

Click on the view you'd like to use then click the Save arrow, click Save View As, and you can rename the view as desired. You can modify the column arrangements, filters, and sorts as well. Close the builder by clicking on the small "x" in the upper right hand corner of the window.

You can learn more about creating views in these articles: If you need assistance creating a special view or report, please reach out to the support team for guidance and suggestions.