The types of filters that are available for each column depend on the type of data in that column. The data that is searched is what is entered in the search field - whether that is using the Filter link at the top of the grid, or when using the column settings buttons (three dots) at the top of each column.

Text Fields

Columns that contain text data, like Last Name/Constituent, Address 1, or Comments, will include the following options:

  • Contains - the text string entered in the search field can contain this anywhere in the field. For example, if I search for "Smith" names like Smithfield and Smith & Sons would also be pulled into the results.
  • Does Not Contain - the text string entered cannot be anywhere in the field
  • Is Empty - there is no data in the field
  • Is Not Empty - the must be some data in the field, but it doesn't need to be specific, any data will be included
  • Starts With - The field must start with that exact text string. For example searching for Starts With "Abl" will pull results like Able, Abling, Ablount, and Ablene.
  • Ends With - The field must end with the exact test string. For example searching for Ends With "ons" will pull results like Patrons, Parsons, Groutons, and Elkons.
  • Equal to - the results must match exactly what is entered in the search field, however it is not case sensitive, so capitalization does not matter in the search.
  • Not Equal to - the results cannot be an exact match. Not equal to "Smith" for example would still pull Smithfield and Smith & Sons into the results because they are not an exact match.

Date Fields

Columns that contain dates, like First Membership Date, Due Date, or Last Event Attendance Date, will include the following options:

  • Is After or Equal to - the search date entered can be equal to that date or any date after it
  • Is After - the search date will not be included in the results, only all the dates that follow
  • Is Before or Equal to - the search date entered can be equal to that date or any date before it
  • Is Before - the search date will not be included in the results, only all the date before it
  • Is Empty - there is no date in the field, it is blank
  • Is Not Empty - the results will include any records that have a date entered in that field, the field is not blank

True/False Fields

Columns that contain a true/false field, including those that show a check mark or Yes/No answers will have the following options:

  • Is true - there will be a check mark in the box or the answer will be True or Yes
  • Is false - the will NOT be a check mark in the box or the answer will be False or No

Numeric Fields

Columns that contain numeric data like Cumulative Gift Count, Time This Month, or Cumulative Event Attendance Count, will have the following options:

  • Is Equal to - the number must match exactly what is entered in the search field
  • Is Not Equal to - the number can be anything other than the number entered in the search field
  • Is Greater than or Equal to - the number can be the same as the number entered in the search field, or any number greater
  • Is Greater than - the number must be greater than the number entered in the search field
  • Is Less than or Equal to - the number can be the same as the number entered in the search field, or any number less than that number
  • Is Less than - the number must be less than the number entered in the search field 
  • Is Empty - the results will include only records where there is no number in the field
  • Is Not Empty - the results will include only records where there is a number in the field

If you are adding multiple filters at once, queries are applied first, then filters.  Filter happen in the order they are entered. The first filter is applied to the data, then the next filter is addressed. The options for additional filters are "and" and "or." If you choose "and" the results will include any records that meet the first criteria AND the meet the subsequent criteria.

For example, if I apply a query that "State" is Equal to "MA", the results will include all records that have MA (Massachusetts) in their default address. Next, the first filter is applied. If I use "City" Starts with "A" the data will be filter to include only those records that are in MA and the City starts with the letter "A." If my next filter is applied with "and" the data will include only those records that meet both criteria. So if I apply another filter that "Email" Is Not Empty it will find only those records that meet both criteria. They City must start with the letter "A" AND the email address field cannot be empty.

With the States still filter for MA and the first filter applied for "City" Starts with "A", if I add a new filter and use the "or" function instead, the results will be quite different. The data will be filtered to include any cities that start with "A" but the list will also include any records that are in the state of MA that have an email address. The data search to see if the city starts with "A" OR their email field is not empty. Many of the records that have an email address are in cities other than those that start with "A", so the list is much longer. Using OR means that anything that meets EITHER filter criteria will be included in the list.