To invite a new user to be able to login to the AssociationSphere software, the person sending the invitation must be logged into the software and an admin level user. 

Begin by using the menu under your organization's name in the top right corner of the page, selecting the Users menu link, then click on AssociationSphere Users.

From this grid you can click on +New on the top left of the grid, then Invite User to invite a new user.

In the new pop-up window, complete the First Name, Last Name, Email, and Confirm Email address fields. You do not need to assign a Status as this will automatically be assigned as "Pending."

Next you have the option of assigning this new user to the following:

  • Grant Admin Access - checking this box gives the user the ability to invite new users, modify security settings for users, and view sensitive information fields.
  • Has Bank Authority -  checking this box indicates that this individual can modify bank account information. They do not have to be a Signer/Responsible Individual for the Organization's bank account; however, they will need to provide detailed information to verify the individual’s identity in compliance with KYC (Know Your Customer) and OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) regulations. 
  • Grant Mobile Access - this user will have permission to sign in to DonorView using the DV Connect mobile app.

If desired, you can use the list in Copy Security Settings From to select another user and copy their security settings. If no name is selected, this user will be provided full access to all modules.

If your organization has Sites/Chapters activated, you can assign this user as a National User by checking the box, or choose the Site/Chapter that this user will have access to.

When complete, click on Invite to send a confirmation email to the new user. 

When the user receives the confirmation email, they can login to with the email and password provided. Once they have logged in, their status will change from "Pending" to "Active."