You can customize the information and activities your constituents have access to from the Portal Info page. Admin level users can access this page from the menu under your organization's name, then clicking on Portal Info.

Figure 1

On Figure 2 below, at the top of the page you will find:

  • Your Portal URL and Embedded Portal Login Page Code if you would like to include the login page within your website.
  • The Portal Welcome Message which can be customized by typing into the box below. This is the message that appears at the top of the window just below your logo when you go to the portal URL. See Figure 3 below.
  • Under Portal Status Info - If the button displayed is blue, your organization has the Advanced Portal activated and your constituents can have access to all the features. If the button displayed is green you have the Basic Portal. With the Basic Portal, your constituents only can have access to their contact information, the auction module, and the peer to peer module. 
  • You can also manage a membership forum with a link to your Forum URL and the Forum Admin URL for logging in to manage the forum.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Continuing down the page as shown in Figure 4 below:

  • You can add a Portal Broadcast Message if desired by typing into the text box.
  • Display Broadcast Message as a text scroll -  When set to YES, this message can either be displayed as a scrolling message across the top of the screen after logging in.
  • Display Broadcast Message as a popup - When set to YES, a popup window will be displayed after the constituent logs in. They will have to close this message each time they log in.
  • Default Online Donations for Parent Portal - This option is not used unless you have the Youth Membership module activated. With Youth Memberships activated, you can select the default donation page for the parent portal.
  • Email Address to Send Portal Activation Emails To - You can add up to five email addresses, separated by a semicolon, to receive a notification anytime a constituent signs up for portal access.
  • Disable Ability To Add Time on the Portal? - If you do not want your constituents to be able to add volunteer time themselves, set this toggle to YES.
  • Disable Ability to Upload Documents - If you do not want your constituents to be able to upload their own documents into the Documents tab in their record, set this toggle to YES.
  • Hide $0 Transactions on Portal - If you do not wish $0 transactions to show in the Donations grid, set this toggle to YES.
  • Disable Portal Access? - If you wish to disable to portal altogether, set this toggle to YES. With the portal disabled, the "The link to "Create Account" or "Sign In" will no longer be visible on any of your donation, membership, event, or auction pages. Note that disabling the portal will also not allow the Peer to Peer module to function or allow you to host online auctions.

Figure 4

  • Allow to change pledge schedule? - If you want to allow your donors to edit their own pledge, set this toggle to YES. This will allow the constituent to select an open pledge from the dropdown list, add new payment methods and choose which credit card or bank account to use, edit the total number of pledge payments, as well as delete any outstanding payment. See Figure 5 below.
  • Email Address to Send Pledge Updates To - You can also get a notification if you allow pledges to be edited by constituents. Enter up to five email addresses separated by a semicolon as shown in Figure 4 above. 

Figure 5

Continuing down the page, see Figure 6 below:

  • Please select menu items that you want your portal users to see on their portals- here you can check which modules you would like your constituents to have access to.
    • Payments - they can see a history of all their transactions and make new donations
    • Pledges - they can see a history of all pledges and pledge payments, and if you allow it, they can edit their pledges
    • Events - they can see a history of all event transactions, reprint tickets, update attendee information, see your events calendar, and register for events
    • Invoices - they can view any open or closed invoices and click the link to pay and outstanding invoice with a credit card
    • My Memberships - they can see a history of all their memberships, purchase new membership and renew existing memberships.
    • Membership Directory - if they have an active membership, they can see a directory of other members
    • Volunteer Hours - they can see a history of all their volunteer time and add new time if you have allowed that
    • Peer to Peer - here they can create new and manage peer to peer campaign fundraising pages
    • Documents - for any documents you have saved in the constituent's documents tab that are marked "Post to Portal," the constituent can view and download these documents (like end of year tax statements and acknowledgment letters)
    • Auctions - they can register for an auction and see a list of any items for which they are the current winning bidder
    • Manage Contacts - Specifically for company profile types, the company contacts can be added and edited here
    • Member only Documents - if they have an active membership, they can see any documents you have uploaded and assigned to their membership level
    • Manage Household - for a constituent who is the head of household with a household-type constituent record, they can view a list of the members of their household and their roles
    • Forum - provides a link from the portal for your members to participate in the forum
  • You can also choose the Default Menu Item which will open when the constituent arrives to the portal. That can be the Home screen as shown below in Figure 7 or it can be any of the modules you have selected.

Figure 6

Figure 7

  • On the portal, under the constituent's name, they can Update My Info. First Name, Last Name/Constituent, and Email fields are always included and required. You can select which other standard profile fields you want to include for them to update under the Default Fields.
  • Under Custom Fields you can also include any custom fields you have for your organization as shown in Figure 8 below.
  • Fields can be Required and custom fields can also be marked as sensitive. 
  • You can change the order they appear by hovering over the three lines under Sort Order and dragging and dropping the field into the desired position.

When you are finished making all your selections, click on Save at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Figure 8