This step allows you to enter all the general information about the event like location, time, website, etc. It is sorted into several sections as described below. You can click on the Information icon ("i" next to the section label shown with the green circle around it below) to get more details about the features in each section.

Time & Location

You are also able to select and add several optional features to your event such as: 

  • Event Starts On and Event Ends On - Enter the start and end date and time for the event. An event can span several days, weeks or months.
  • Hide Event Time - When set to YES, only the event dates will not display on the event page.
  • Hide Event Date and Time -When set to YES, only the event dates(s) and time(s) will not display on the event page. 
  • Online Sales Start On and Online Sales End On - Enter the dates and times you wish the page to be visible to the public to register and make purchases on this page. You can customize the message shown when the page is no longer visible in the Message to Display When Online Sales Are Not Active field.
  • If you would like a map to show on the event page (populated from Google Maps) toggle Display Event Location to YES and enter the address of your event and the event location website if desired.
  • By default there is a Save to Calendar button below the event time and location. Clicking the button will download and ics file. If you do not want this feature enabled, mark the Hide Save to Calendar Button as YES.

Internal Notifications

You can set up notifications whenever a registration is processed.

  • If Send Email When Event is Submitted is set to YES, you can enter up to five email addresses separated by semicolons to get the notification. Note that the notification does not provide purchase details, only the notification that a transaction occurred.
  • If you have text messaging activated, you can also set Send Text When Event is Submitted to YES and enter mobile phone numbers to receive the notification in the Add a Mobile Phone Number box and click Add to add them to the list. If you want to remove a phone number from notifications, you can click on the "x" next to the number under Phones.

Financial Information

Your can establish some of the financial options for the page including:

  • Marking Free Event as YES will set ticket prices to $0. With this activated, another toggle will open Display Amount, which when set to YES will hide the prices, fees, and totals in the ticketing section.
  • If you do not need the registrant's address, you can toggle Address Information NOT Required to YES to hide those fields from the Registration Information section at the bottom of the event page.
  • The phone number field is included in the Registration Information section, but if you want it to be a required field set Phone Number Required to YES.
  • Goal Category, also shown as Fundraising Goal Category on some forms, allows you to link all the revenue generated from this page into an overall Goal Category.
  • Enable Captcha set to YES will include a checkbox at the bottom of the event page that must be checked to complete the transaction to prevent fraudulent transactions.
  • Allow transactions in foreign currencies set to YES, a new box will appear above the tickets options to allow the purchaser to select their preferred currency.
  • Auto Acknowledge set to YES will check the Acknowledged column box on the Events and Gifts grids. With this marked as YES, you can also select the way the transaction was acknowledged under Acknowledged How.
  • Use Member Pricing can only be set to YES when it is not a recurring event. You must also have the Advanced Portal activated so that your members will log in to the Portal to reveal their special pricing. When activated, a new tab will open that allows you to set a member price for each ticket level. You also have the option of making individual member only ticket levels if you do not want your members to sign in to the portal.
  • Save Credit Card Information will save the credit card used for the purchase in the constituent's Payment Options tab.
  • Allow to pay processing fee set to YES will allow the purchaser to pay the processing fees for the transaction. This feature can be set to Require to Pay Processing Fee which automatically includes the fee and Default to Pay Processing Fee which checks the box but it can be unchecked if the purchaser wishes. You can also choose from several different labels to explain the fee under Processing Fee Comment.
  • Collect Level Deposits set to YES gives you the option to require only a deposit for some ticket levels. 
  • Accept General Donations set to YES will add a box for the purchaser to make a donation. The donation will be shown as a separate General-type transaction. If activated, you can customize the label under Message to display for general donation. Donations can be made even for free events.
  • Allow Everyone To Pay Later set to YES will allow everyone the option to register but pay later. With the Pay Later Comment field you can customize what you would like this label to say, for example "I will mail or check" or "I will pay at the door."
  • Allow Members To Pay Later set to YES makes this option available only for members, however you must have the Advanced Portal activated and members must login to the portal to see this option.
  • Allow Internal Only To Pay Later set to YES makes this option available to AssociationSphere users only. You must be logged into AssociationSphere and open the event page in the same browser window.
  • With Pay Later features activated you also can Send Invoices via Email, which will you can Allow Partial Payments, choose the Invoice Payment Page (must already be created) and choose the Invoice Due Date.
  • If you are creating invoices, you can also send the invoice as a separate email to the registrant. Turn Send Invoice via Email to YES, and choose the Mail Merge Template (from Mail Merge Invoice Templates). If desired, you can Save to Document to save the invoice and cover letter in the constituent's Documents tab. You can also customize the Invoice Email Body.

  • The fields at the bottom of the page that the person completing the form fills out are labeled Registration Information by default. You can customize this under Registration Info Label to say something like "Billing Information" or "Purchaser Information" if desired.
  • Require Level Purchase for Add-on Selection set to YES means that at least one ticket level must be selected to reveal Add-ons. The transaction that includes Add-ons must include a ticket level.
  • If your organization uses gift cards and subscriptions, these features can be activated with Accepting Gift Card or Accepting Subscriptions.
  • If you do not want to allow companies or organizations to be listed as the registrant (purchaser), you can mark Do Not Allow Purchases on Behalf of a Company/Organization as YES to hide this option on the page.
  • If most of the event purchases will be made by a company, you can add the Company Name and Company Phone by default on the Registration Information by marking Default Purchases to on Behalf of a Company/Organization to YES.
  • If you would like to collect the name of the company the registrant works for, turn Collect Event Registrant's Company Name to YES. If the company is not already in the database, a new company constituent record will be created.
  • You are able to identify the default  For, Fund, Event, and Appeal from the dropdown lists. The lists are editable and this information will be included on the Events and Gifts grids for revenue source reports.

Page Content & Display Options

You can customize the page content and display information including:

  • Page Title Alignment - the page name from the Acknowledgement tab can be aligned Left, Center or Right.
  • The title levels can be shown as Tiles or Lists. Tiles will show the ticket levels in a box on the page and you can add an image to the tile. 
  • When Display Share on Social Media buttons is set to YES, the social media links for Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Pinterest will appear on the page above the map or ticket levels if the map is not displayed. These are links to the social media platform so that the registrant can login to their own account and share your page with their followers. They are NOT links to your social media pages.
  • Hide From Portal set to YES will not show this event page in the drop down options for event pages in the Portal. Use this feature if you want to share the event page only with select constituents.
  • Show on Scheduler set to YES will enable using the Scheduler page in the Events Module. This is used for recurring events to manage attendees.

  • Show on Calendar set to YES will include this event in your calendar widget. When activated, you can choose the Display Preference as either Use Event Start & End Date or Use Ticket Level Available Days, which is only used for recurring events.

  • If you have the Advanced Portal activated, you can require Portal Login and if activated, you can also Require Profile Update/Save so that event registrants must update their personal information.

  • If you would like to include general information about your event, you can set Display Message to YES and add a Message Title and customizable text.

  • You can display images and videos at the top of your event page by toggling Display Gallery to YES.
  • With Display Gallery activated, you can include a link to a YouTube video by entering the YouTube Video URL. The video will play on the page. You can also include a Video Caption if desired.
  • With the Upload Your Photosbutton, you can select your images. 
    • Image files should be jpeg or png and less than 5MB in size. The smaller the image file, the faster the page will load.
    • The landscape pixel size the image will be shown in is 512 x 341 pixels. 
    • Be sure to crop you photos prior to upload.  
    • Images will be displayed in the order they are uploaded. 
    • It is best to upload the photos one a time.
    • The caption under the image can be edited using the Pencil & Paper icon displayed in the top right corner of the image.
    • You can delete an image with the Trash Can icon.

  • If you would like a progress widget to display on the event page, mark Display Goal to YES to review the options for the Goal Amount (total revenue raised) or Goal Quantity (total number of transactions.) You can select which option to display with Goal to Use and which Goal Chart Type and add a Goal Chart Title.
  • If you are displaying goal progress, you also have the option of including pledges and pay later transactions by marking Include Pledges in Total Raise and/or Include Pay Later Ticket Purchases in Total Raised to YES.
  • Display Memo Field will add a space at the bottom of the registration area for a memo or response to a single question. With this activated, you can also Require Memo Response and customize the text label in Memo Field Name.
  • You can Show Email Subscription Lists and customize the label under Email Subscription Label. This will display any of your public Email List Categories for them to subscribe to.
  • If you have text messaging activated, by default registrants can be notified of their purchase via text message. You can turn this off by marking Hide Option to Notify Via Text to YES. You can also Allow Purchaser to Subscribe for Text Messages and choose which Text Message Categories they will be subscribed to. 


You can set up ticketing options and recurring events in the Ticketing section including:

  • You can activate Ticket Event to send tickets to the event registrant (purchaser). With this set to YES, you can customize the Starting Ticket Number.
  • The default tickets include the name of the event, time, date, location information, ticket ID, and a QR code which can be scanned to check in guests using the AssociationSphere mobile app. You can Use Customized Tickets which will create a new tab for set up to allow you to customize the image, merge fields and text displayed on the ticket. Standard tickets will print 3 to an 8 1/2 x 11" page, whereas customized tickets print each ticket on a single 8 1/2 x 11" page.
  • You can enter a Total Event Capacity. Note that when the total number of ticket levels sold equals the Total Event Capacity, additional tickets will not be able to be sold.
  • With Display Quantity set to YES, the Quantity available for each level will be shown with the tickets.
  • For ticketed event, a standard email with the tickets attached as a pdf will be sent to the registrant. You have the option of setting Customize Ticket Email Message to YES, then entering a custom Ticket Email Message Title and body of the email.
  • If you want to limit the level purchases, set Allow only 1 Level Purchase to YES, which will only allow the registrant to select one level. They can purchase multiple tickets of the one level, but cannot choose multiple levels.

  • For recurring events there are two options. The first is Recurring Event, pick Registration for 1 or More Days which activates a calendar and automatically activates Use Shopping Cart. The registrant will be able choose the event level(s) and day(s) they will to register for.
  • You can customize the label in Shopping Cart Caption.
  • With  Allow only 1 ticket/per level/day set to YES, the registrant will only be able to choose one ticket level for each day. 
  • If you want all the tickets levels registered to be included in a single ticket, mark Generate only 1 ticket to YES. If this is NO, each ticket level will be on an individual ticket.
  • With Allow multi-day registration set to YES instead of choosing the day from the calendar, then choosing the ticket levels, the registrant can choose the ticket level, then check the days they would like to participate. With Internal Only set to YES, the multi-day registration option would only be visible to AssociationSphere users when logged into the software in the same browser.
  • Guest Survey will create two new tabs to allow you to create a custom survey to send to registrants. However, the Attendee Info tab will allow you to collect information from each individual attendee and show that information in the Event Attendance grid. Guest Survey saves information in the Surveys/Form Results page.
  • The second option for recurring events is Recurring Event, 1 Registration Covers All Days. With this option activated, you can create events that happen on multiple days, but the registrant only has to choose one ticket level. For example, if you have an art class every Tuesday for several months, the registrant would only need to register for Tuesday Art Class and they would automatically be shown as an attendee for each Tuesday in the date range.
  • If your organization needs to show a GDPR compliance message, mark GDPR Consent Required? to YES and enter the text for your message in GDPR Compliance Message. 
  • For organizations that utilize theater seating , you can activate the seating chart features by turning Use Seating Chart to YES. You will need to have a seating chart uploaded in the Events module.
  • You can customize Ticket Level Caption and Add-on Caption.

Advanced Settings & Search Options

With Advance Settings you can link an event to other modules including:

  • Auction Event - when set to YES, you can link and event to an auction. Activating this will reveal new options to select or create an Auction, customize the starting Bidder # (defaults to 001), allow internal users to Edit Bidder #. If you are hosting an online auction, you can Capture CC Info and Send Portal Account Info Email to listed attendees with email addresses. Linking to an auction will automatically assign a bidder ID number to each unique event attendee automatically.
  • Connect to Peer-To-Peer Campaign will link the event to a Peer to Peer (P2P) campaign that has already been set up. Linking to a P2P will create a new entry page where registrants will have an opportunity to choose  one of four options, to Be a Fundraiser/Start a Team, Make a Donation, Support a Fundraiser, or Support a Team. Those that choose to Be a Fundraiser/Start a Team will be directed to the event page to select the ticket levels and provide attendee information. 
  • Volunteer Event - will link an event to the Volunteer Module and populate the Registrations, Attendance, and Scheduler pages in the Volunteer Module.
  • If you do not wish to utilize the Event Attendance grid, you can mark Do Not Load Attendance to YES.
  •  If this page will be used to sell gift card or subscriptions, mark Gift Card Event to YES or Subscription/Flex Pass Event to YES (only available for organizations with theater seating activated.)
  • Enable Ticket Level Search if you are offering many different ticket levels and would like to registrants to be able to filter the offerings. You can create up to four different Search Options Labels and unlimited Search Options for each. For example, a Search Option Label could be "Skill Level" and the search options are Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.

Always click on Save to save your changes or Save & Next to proceed to the next tab.