Yes, you can merge two constituent records together on the constituent grid. Find the Merge column, which is initially located on the far right side of the grid. It is often convenient to move this column to the left side of the grid near the Last Name/Constituent column.

Once the Merge column is located, checkmark the two records you want to combine on the merge column. Then, click the "Actions" button. Under the "Actions" menu you will find the "Merge Constituents" button. You will then need to select which record you would like to keep and click the “Submit” button.

When merging two records the record that you select to keep, by checking the box Keep this record, will be considered the master record. The information already filled in on the master record profile will be kept. If there is information in the merged record that is empty in the master record, it will populate into the empty fields on the master record. 

For example, if the merged record contains a prefix but the master record does not, the prefix will be merged into the blank data field in the master record. So when the records are merged, the final record will now include the prefix. 

Information from the merged record will not overwrite anything in the master record. If there are email addresses, physical addresses, phone numbers, categories and other data, like comments, they will be added to the master record, but not replace anything existing.

It is always good practice to review the final record after the merge has completed. You may need to correct things like the salutations, default addresses and emails, and some custom fields like custom true/false data.