The deletion of any constituent or transaction records can be tracked by Admin User. To access the Deletion Log, please mouse over your organization’s name in the upper right-hand corner of the software and click on Users. Once on the User page, you will find a button titled, “Record Deletion Log.” This log will show details about the constituent or transaction along with which user deleted the record and the date and time the record was deleted. Please see the details below:
Name – Which User deleted the record
Deletion Date – What date and time the record was deleted
Record Type – Was the record that was deleted a Constituent or Gift record
Constituent Name – Who was the Constituent who was deleted or who was the owner of the Gift that was deleted
Constituent Email – What was the default Email address of the Constituent who was deleted or who was the owner of the Gift that was deleted
Constituent ID – What was the Constituent ID of the Constituent who was deleted or who was the owner of the Gift that was deleted
Transaction Type – Was the Gift that was deleted a General, Pledge, Pledge Payment, In Kind, Stock, In Kind Pledge, In Kind Pledge Payment, Event, Membership or Auction record
Transaction Date – What was the Gift Date of the Gift record that was deleted
Transaction Amount – What was the Amount of the Gift record that was deleted
Transaction ID – What was the Gift ID of the Gift record that was deleted
TxnID – For those Gifts processed with a Credit Card what was the Transaction ID of the Gift record that was deleted