If a member contacts you and says they cannot log in, ask them what message shows when they attempt to log in. Each message has a different approach to resolve the issue.

Login Not Found

Verify that the member has a portal account created. You can find a grid of all your Portal Users listed under the organization admin menu on the top right-hand side of the page. You must have Administrator access to view.  You can sort the list for specific constituents.

       a.  If they are on the list, check to make sure they are attempting to login using the correct email.

       b.  If they are on the list and are using the correct email, ensure they are not inadvertently adding a space before or after their email address.

       c.  If they are not on the list, they need to create an account first before they can access the portal. Use the instructions found in the knowledge base article "How do I invite members to sign up for the portal?" 

Account Has Not Been Verified

The user has signed up for the account, but did not click on the link in the confirmation email sent when they initially signed up.

       a.  They can click the link in the email to verify their account and then login using the email and password they selected.

       b.  If the confirmation email cannot be found, you can also activate their account from the portal users grid. To access the grid, go to the organization admin menu on the top right-hand side of the page, click on Users, then Portal Users. Click on the Pending status next to their email address. A new window will open to allow you to change the status to Active. Click on Update to save the change. The user will now be able to login using their email address and password they set up.

Wrong Password

If the member receives the message "Wrong password," they have a portal account, they have used the correct email, however they are entering the wrong password.

        a.  Ask the member to ensure they do not have Cap Locks on or are not accidentally adding a space before or after the password which sometimes happens using a copy-paste function. 

        b.  If the member cannot recall the correct password, the member can reset their password on their own by clicking on the Forgot your Password link.

        c.   If they reset on their own, they will see a message that the reset instructions are sent to their inbox.

       d.  If the member enters their email address after requesting a password reset and instead receives a message “Login not found,” they do not have a portal created yet or are trying to login using the wrong email address. 

        e.  You can also assist the member and reset their password from the Portal Users grid. Select the correct user and click on Reset Password. The password will reset to "password123" all lower case, no spaces. The member can use this to login and then change their password from the menu in the top right of the portal screen.

Account Has Been Locked

If the member receives a message that their account has been locked, it is typically caused by attempting to log in using the wrong password too many times. You can reset their password from the Portal Users grid. Select the correct user and click on Reset Password. The password will reset to "password123" all lower case, no spaces. This will unlock the account and the member can update their password after they log back in.

No membership information visible after login

If a member successfully logs into the portal, but none of their membership information shows, they most likely have created a portal with an email different from the primary email associated with their account. You can verify their portal account information from the Portal Users grid and merge constituent records from the Constituents grid if necessary. Ensure the primary email in the combined account matches that of the portal login.