During an event or volunteer registration process you might need to collect sensitive information that you do not wish to be visible to internal DonorView users. Examples include things like Driver’s License or Social Security numbers required for a background check.

While setting up your attendee info field questions on the Attendee Info tab there is a checkbox setting next to each question called Sensitive Information. Checking this box will make the setting will ensure that the values provided under this question will not be visible to any internal DonorView users on the Event Attendance grid.

Instead, the answer will display as “Sensitive Information.” However, Admin level users can export the data from the Event Attendance grid to Excel and will be able to see the real answers provided for the attendee or volunteer. Any non-Admin user would still see “Sensitive Information” listed as the answer value if they exported the same grid to Excel.


Within the event setup, the “Sensitive Information” setting can be turned on or off at any time. However, any information collected when the setting is turned on will continue to be marked “Sensitive Information” even if the setting is later turned off.