An auction item can now be setup to accept Online Donations. This donation item will allow bidders to submit Pay Now or Pay Later direct through an online auction form. Bidders who wish to donation will need to have a Portal Account and an active Credit Card saved under that account.


On the Auction Setup under the “+New” button you can select Donation Item. A new Donation Item dialog will launch with the following fields.


Caption – Enter the Name of the Item

Lock as First Item – Select Yes if you wish for this item to always be the first item listed on the Auction page.

Description – Enter the messaging that will appear directly under this item’s image.

Button Text – The item will have a Button for the donor to click to access the Donation Fields, enter the text of this button.

Allow Pay Later – Select Yes if you wish for donor to be able to submit a donation without upfront payment.

Allow to Pay Processing Fee – Select Yes if you wish for the Donor to be able to select to pay the processing fee for their donation.

Default to Pay Processing Fee – Select Yes if you wish for the checkbox which includes the processing fee on the donation to be check by default on the form. The donor will still be able to uncheck the box if they do not wish to pay the processing fee.

Require to Pay Processing Fee – Select Yes if all Pay Now Donors should pay the processing free on their Donations.


After clicking “Next” you will then be able to upload an image that will display on the item.


Once the image has uploaded you can click Update and the Item will be complete, if you need to edit the item click on the Pencil and Paper icon or if you need to delete it you can click on the trashcan icon.