Be sure to check into the laws and rules regarding conducting raffles in your state prior to setting up a raffle.

There are multiple ways to set up an event to include raffle tickets.

  1. You can provide raffle tickets to all attendees and allow the software to randomly choose a winner.
  2. You can also make raffle tickets a level to be purchased, then allow the software to randomly choose a winner.
  3. For the software to randomly choose a winner, the event page must capture Attendee Info.
  4. You can sell raffle tickets as an add-on item. You can then draw names from those who purchased the add-on item or put those names on raffle tickets and add them to the drawing with raffle tickets purchased at an in-person event.
    NOTE: The add-on method does not use the software to randomly choose a winner.


For Option 1, if everyone attending your event will be included in a drawing, you can use the software to randomly draw a winner for you. Open the Event Attendance grid in the Events Module and select your event. If you checked in your guests, you can filter the list for those who are checked in, or you can select a winner from the entire list.

Under the Actions on the left side of the screen, click on Raffle Winner.

A new window will pop up. Click on Draw Winner to randomly select a name from the Actual Attendee Column in your list. You can click the button again to draw another winner.

NOTE: If you will have multiple prize winners, in order to not select the exact same winner for the second and third prize (i.e. the same raffle ticket wins again), the ticket/attendee can be edited and text added to the Attendee Notes (for example, Winner) and the column filtered before drawing the next winner.

For Option 2, selling raffle tickets as an event level, will require adding a level for the raffle tickets. Create a new or edit an existing event page and be sure to set it up as a ticketed event under the Event Settings tab in the Ticketing section.

Proceed to the Event Setup tab and click on Add Level. Enter the information about the raffle in the new window, including the price per ticket and the quantity available if there is a limit. You can sell individual raffle tickets and set the # of Attendees Per Purchase to "1" or create bundles of tickets, for example a bundle of 5 Tickets would have the # of Attendees Per Purchase set to "5." Click Update on the bottom to save.

The event can just be for raffle ticket sales, or it can be part of an event with multiple types of tickets for purchase as shown in the example below on the Event Form.

The purchaser can enter the names for the raffle drawing as well as other attendees on the form.

Anyone who purchases the level for raffle tickets will be shown in the Events Grid and Event Attendance Page in the Events Module with that level. You can filter the list for that level, then use the Actions menu as described above to do the drawing.

For Option 3, selling tickets as an add-on item for a traditional raffle, create a new or edit an existing event page and proceed to the Event Setup Tab. Click on +Add Add-On

In the new window, enter the information about the raffle tickets and click Update to save.

The raffle tickets will now be shown as an add-on item on the Event Form.

Once the transaction is made, the Add-On items will be shown only in the Events Grid in the Events Module. You select the event from the Side Bar and then filter the Add-Ons column to find the raffle ticket purchasers. You can export that list of names to Excel using the Actions menu and create the tickets for these purchasers.