1.  Ticket purchasers are identified under the Last Name/Constituent column. 

2.  All attendees are shown in the Actual Attendee columns. 

3.  Clicking on the edit icon on the left side of the grid will open the window to edit the guest’s (actual attendee) info.

4.  To enter a new guest name (attendee) for a ticket that has already been purchased, click on the edit icon on the left side of the gird.

5.  Click on the arrow on the right side of the name under Actual Attendee

6.  Use the search bar in the top of the window to see if the constituent already exists in the database. 

7.  If the constituent already exists in the database, click on their name to identify them as the attendee. 


 8.  If no matching constituent is found, click on New Attendee to enter the name and email address to create a new constituent record. Other fields can also be updated with credit card information, check in, and answers to custom questions.

9.  New tickets can be sold using the event page URL link from a laptop or by using the mobile app.