The Event Calendar is a link or widget that can be added to your website, email campaign or social media. The calendar can display both connected Events, which are setup as online forms through Event Pages or unconnected Events which are manually created directly on the calendar for display only.


To access the Event Calendar navigate to Workspace > Events > Event Calendar Setup. At the top of the page you will be able to select the default settings for the Calendar’s color theme, choose whether your logo will be displayed and choose the Calendar's default view. After making any changes to those settings please make sure to click the green “Update” button to apply them to the published version.


To the right of those setting you will find the Calendar's URL and Embed code. Click the “Copy URL” button to get the URL to add to any webpages or emails. Or click “Copy Embed Code” to get the HTML code to embed the Calendar onto a webpage through an iframe.


If you are creating an Event through Event Pages you can choose to display that Event on the Event Calendar while setting it up. On the Event Settings page under the “Page Content & Display Options” section turn on the “Show on Calendar” toggle. This Event will then be displayed on the Calendar and when clicked on will launch the registration form for that Event in a new browser tab. This type of Calendar Event can be thought of as a connected Event.


Outside of connected Events you can also create a unconnected Event which are not tied to a registration page created under Event Page. Unconnected Events can be created directly on the Event Calendar. By clicking on the desired Calendar day for your Event a dialog will popup and allow you to enter the Event’s details, including:

Title – What name should display for this Event

Start – Enter the date and possibly the time this Event will start.

End – Enter the data and possibly the time this Event will end.

All Day Event – Uncheck this box if you wish to put in the exact Start and End Times above for this Event.

Repeat – If this is a recurring Event select how frequently the Event will recur (Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly). If this is not a recurring Event then leave “Never” selected. Based on which frequency you select their may be additional fields displayed.

Description – Enter the content you wish to display for this event when a viewer launches it on the Calendar.


This process of creating unconnected Events can continue as needed. To remove a unconnected Event you can mouse over the listing on the Calendar and click the “x” icon when it becomes visible. Or double click on that Event listing and there will be a “Delete” button available within the dialog that pops up.


Any Events added to the Calendar will automatically update to the published version of Calendar if you have already placed the URL or Embed code for public view.