User who want to be able to sync their Gmail communication with AssociationSphere can navigate to Workspace>CRM>Outlook/Gmail Integration. If this is your first time visiting this page you will be prompted with a “Let’s Get Started!” message where you can select which email client you wish to integrate with and be taken to the instructions to setup that connection.
Watch the video on how to connect your Gmail account to AssociationSphere.
There are two ways to install Google Add-on
Option 1) Google Workspace for Business
If your organization uses Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) for business, you'll quickly install add-ons for all your employees.
Option 2 ) Single Account Installation
2. Download the AssociationSphere Gmail Add-on. Then install AssociationSphere Add-on.
3. If you need to uninstall AssociationSphere Add-on, go to AssociationSphere Gmail Add-on and click Uninstall.