Under the Outlook/Gmail Integration there is the option to block specific Domains or individual Email Addresses from being synced into your AssociationSphere account. This ability to block specific Domains is available for Admin users to be to restrict across all user accounts or individual user can block specific domains and individual Email Addresses for just their account.

On the Account side an Admin user can mouse over their organization name in the upper right hand corner of the software and click on Account>Settings. Once on the Account Setting page click on the Outlook/Gmail Integration section. Here you can click the "+ Add Domain" button and enter in the domain's name.

Entering a Domain at the Account Settings level will stop any email messages connected to it from being synced across all you users.

At the individual level each user can input their own Domains and Email Addresses to block. Navigate to Workspace>CRM>Outlook/Gmail Integration and click on the "Sync Rules" button just above the grid.

At the top of the Email Synchronization Rules page you will find the option to turn on syncing your messages to Constituent Interaction automatically. Under that setting you will then be able to input any Domain you wish to exclude from being sync. Just click the "+ Add Domain" button. Directly under that grid you will find where to input and email addresses you wish to exclude from being synced. Just click the "+ Add Email" button. Once added you will be able to edit or deleted any Domains or Emails that were entered.