The ticket level assigned to an event purchase can now be modified and assigned to a different level within the same event. On the main Events grid click the Actions link for the desired transaction and click “Transfer”.  The transfer feature cannot be used to transfer the ticket to another constituent. Please see this article for information about options for changing event ticket purchases.

A dialog will launch offering a picklist where you will then be able to select which Event Level the transaction should be transferred to. After making your selection you can click the "Transfer" button to complete the transfer.

This transfer will also impact the available quantity of both levels for your event. Increasing the available quantity of the level you are transferring away from and decreasing the available quantity of the level you are transferring to. Please note that the transfer of an Event Level on an Event Transaction will not modify the financial side of the transaction. The Amounts will stay as is. Any refunds or additional charges will need to be handled outside of this Event transaction.